A review by stephengrahamking
Life in the 'Cosm by Cait Gordon


This book is sheer, silly, candy coated fun, and it also manages to sneak in some extremely progressive ideas stealthily between the desserts. Inventive and often deliriously funny. If I was going to pick some nits, I'd say that there are some moments where, despite the setting and situations being interesting, some of the emotional beats between Virj and Noola feel a bit repetitive. If I'd been the editor, I'd have trimmed these scenes a bit to tighten the focus on the relationship a bit. Also, there are some random fourth wall breaks that really stand out for their rarity. Either go all in, or drop the conceit entirely. But, ultimately, this book reaches the inevitable destination with style and with a big, gooey, sentimental heart, and though you know it's coming, it's deliciously satisfying.