A review by trudilibrarian
Bedbugs: A Novel of Infestation by Ben H. Winters


I love, love, love, the slow, subtle creep of this one. Bugs of any sort represent the ultimate squick factor for me, and an entire story dedicated to a bedbug infestation was almost more than I could stand. I'm still scratching and feeling paranoid. I definitely won't be looking too closely at my pillowcases tonight for fear of actually seeing something I just don't need to see: ignorance is bliss on this account. The less I know the better.

In its setup and slow build, the book reminded me a lot of Rosemary's Baby: young, successful couple move into a fabulous apartment. Wife begins to see things, husband thinks she's crazy. Is wife crazy? Or will she be vindicated? At what cost will such vindication come?

I loved how long Winters is able to keep me in suspense on this count. I had my suspicions and theories, but I never knew with certainty until it all came out in the end, and what an ending! It totally made that slow crawl for the first three-quarters of the book worth it. I would love to see this story adapted for the big screen. That would be awesome.

October Country 2011 #4