A review by burningupasun
The Art of Inheriting Secrets by Barbara O'Neal


This book started off good, had a great premise in my opinion—woman's mother dies and she finds out her mother was a Countess before she moved to America, and has left her a run-down pile of an old estate in England. But it just sort of... fell to pieces halfway through and by the end, there were so many things that didn't get tied up. Who was Olivia's father? Why did her mother never talk about the place? What was with the money in India? Why did they keep hinting at something revolving Samir's book, but never tell us what it was? What was in the second envelope Alexander gave her, that supposedly contained info on who was trying to buy Rosemere? How did the fire conveniently start? Where the fuck did Rebecca and her husband go? Also how does Olivia spend the ENTIRE BOOK trying to figure out her mother's secret and then when she finally does it's just "oh okay" and she moves right on as if it isn't a huge thing?

Idk. The food descriptions were really good and made me hungry. The descriptions of the place and the characters were lovely. I liked Olivia and Samir, although the harping on the age thing got old, and the sex scenes were unexpected and a bit more graphic than I usually like. I didn't dislike the book at all, I just wish it had done a better job at telling the story, instead of dragging it out then wrapping half of it up in the last 2% and leaving the other half just dangling there, never to be explained.

Oh, also, I forgot to add my annoyance at how they built up her SUPER annoying ex for the whole book and then the issue with him gets resolved by someone else, off-scene, without her even talking to him. Just "oh don't worry this is fixed now" like what???