A review by jaclynmaria
The Animal Under the Fur by E.J. Mellow


I've killed more people more years than I've been alive. And I'm twenty-six.

Clearly, with an opening like that, I was hooked immediately!

I've been wanting to read this since I heard what it was about and saw the GORGEOUS cover, so of course when I got it delivered to my kindle at midnight, I DEVOURED it! And loved every single second of this crazy ride!

"Just so we're clear," she says, her voice barbed wire, "I don't like you. I don't like your methods, and if you get in the way of me completing this mission, I will not hesitate to remove the one thing from your body that I know gives you your sole reason for existing."
I cock a brow. "I'm flattered you're even thinking about my thing, sweetheart."
My head being slammed to the conference table and my arm twisted to a near breaking point catches me off guard.
"And whatever you do," 3 hisses in my ear, her impressively strong grip tightening and making me grunt against the pain. "Do not call me sweetheart, honey, or babe ever again." With a final push, she lets go and stalks from the room.

THOSE TWO! THE BANTER AND HIGH SEXUAL TENSION all throughout the book was killing me! Ahhhh!!

Its in this moment, with her milliseconds away from trying to kill me, that I realize why I found her so intriguing before. Leave it to me to be attracted to the craziest chick in the room.

So this follows Nashville/3 and Carter who are both highly trained assassins, thruster together to complete an extremely important mission. Set in the beautiful Mexico, this story unravels an explosively fast paced, action packed plot, and a scorching, heart bursting romance. I couldn't stop reading!

We stalk each other, two animals in the small apartment.
"You know," he says, "there's other ways to work through issues than with violence."
I clock my head to the side. "But so much less fun."
"And here I thought you were allergic to fun."
"Not this kind," I say before going for his throat, but he knocks away my arm. We trade blow after blow, circling and circling.

It's told in dual POVs, giving readers a chance to explore these complex minds. Both of these characters have a heart breaking past, and I really enjoyed seeing them VERY slowly start to trust one another and open up. These two go head to head more often than not. They absolutely HATE each other, almost from the first moment they meet. Once they meet and the plot starts to unfold, it's extremely addictive and hard to put this one down. I loved their banter and their relationship!! Especially towards the end!! So much amazing, brilliantly done character development!!

"I thought, if life liked to play such violent games, why shouldn't we build a shield from it?"

I can't begin to express how perfectly LAYERED these two are and the sparks that fly when these two meet, my heart was pounding! I was up at bizarre hours of the night reading, because I was so invested in their relationship and needed to know what happened! And Carter? I'm still swooning over him!! A new book boyfriend for sure. While he is a bit of a jerk, particularly in the beginning, I fell for him, hard!

Besides the characters, I loved the plot as well! It's engaging, fast paced, and reminded me so much of James Bond/Nikita type of story. So cool!! And super badass!!! Just what I needed to read! The writing was fantastic, and I can't recommend this one enough!! Absolutely loved every second!! Don't miss out on Carter and Nashvilles story!

All we ever have is the present. The past and future are nothing but intangible stretches in time. One we can't change. The other we can't touch.