A review by radcampos
Hyperfocus: How to Work Less to Achieve More, by Chris Bailey


As someone who has an attention span of a chihuahua, I found this book super helpful in implementing easy-to-follow strategies in removing distractions, managing your focus, and re-evaluating what are the things I do daily that are wasting my time. Hyper-focus will probably rival Atomic Habits as my top non-fiction book this year!

Practical tactics I find useful:

1. Determine the types of tasks you do:
a. Necessary work - unattractive yet productive (team meetings, tasks with deadlines)
b. Unnecessary work - unattractive and unproductive (re-arranging papers or sorting files on your computer)
c. Distracting work - attractive and unproductive (social media)
d. Purposeful work - attractive and productive (tasks we’re most engaged on as we do them; tasks with which we make the largest impact)
2. Choose a meaningful object of attention
3. Make a distraction list (external and internal) every time something comes up that shifts your focus away from your task. Then eliminate them
4. Focus on that chosen object of attention
5. Continue to bring your attention back to the task at hand