A review by kimregs
What Strange Paradise by Omar El Akkad


This book was difficult to read. It’s a very modern day subject and one that is challenging to grapple with. I had to read it slowly at times because it’s pretty heartbreaking.

I was torn on what to rate it but my thoughts are
A) the lacing was not for me. The “before” chapters” went really slowly. I understand the author wanted the alternating timelines but sometimes these chapters seemed to exist for the sake of existing.
B) the “after” chapters were exciting and I was very invested.
C) Kethros was a chilling villain and well written.

And finally, WTF was that ending. I’ve read some theories and maybe I understand what the author was trying to do but then I must ask… what was the point of half of the book? Someone make it make sense. The ending made my rating go down for sure.