A review by lazydream
Run to You by Rachel Gibson


Rachel Gibson. I wait for your books. I love your stories. I love your characters. What happened to this book?? This book is bland. There is no story building or character building. I felt as if you wrote this book because you HAD to. Am so disappointed. I had huge expectations after your [b:Rescue Me|12929915|Rescue Me (Lovett, Texas, #3)|Rachel Gibson|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327774104s/12929915.jpg|18085668]. After Vince and Sadie and their story this is soooo dull. The hero is sexually attracted to the girl because he has not been having sex from 6 or 8 months and he is royally frustrated not because he is attracted or liked her. And she?? She is attracted because sex topic arises??? Or something on those lines. There is no chemistry what so ever. And personally I think NO ONE, absolutely no one should come between siblings which she does. And next she is virgin and only because they have sex she expects him to love her and asked him to say the love word??? REALLY??? OHHHHHH am so disappointed. I read your [b:Daisy's Back in Town|7664734|Daisy's Back in Town |Rachel Gibson|/assets/nocover/60x80.png|3395] and [b:The Trouble With Valentine's Day|680170|The Trouble With Valentine's Day (Chinooks Hockey Team, #3)|Rachel Gibson|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1330265655s/680170.jpg|3400] so many times i lost count. Come ooooon. Am sorry but i had to write my frustration. I feel guilty for writing this review.