A review by joesilverfox
Paranoid: Black Days with SabbathOther Horror Stories by Mick Wall


Hmmm, What to say. This was a terribly misnamed book. You would expect to read lots of stories about Black Sabbath and other bands maybe. What you get is a miserable, junky music journalist who seems to hate the music business and most of the people in it, Including himself.
It's a book of non stop moaning from somebody too stupid to realise how lucky he was and too weak to live it without a needle in his arm, joint in his mouth or drink in his hand.
It's really hard to warm to Mick Wall. He seems to hate the business and those in it, because they are shallow tossers. Funny enough reading this book all you can think is, what a shallow tosser Mick Wall is.
Should have renamed the book. A Miserable Junky Journalist Remembers Why He Hates The Music Business.
Apathy for the Devil: A 1970s Memoir by Nick Kent is a far better read.