A review by bookboy_troy
Outline by Rachel Cusk


2nd reading:

bumped this up to five stars. It’s so funny how our thoughts on a book can change over time. Cusk is a true original if there ever was one.

1st reading:

This was a challenging and intriguing novel for me. I would call it a quietly profound meditation on human communication. I simultaneously hated it and loved it - much like I simultaneously hate and love humanity.

It so closely mirrored the actual reality and experience of listening to other people, that it often left me with a surreal feeling. Some moments were quite funny too, which I appreciated to break up some of the more tense or monotonous bits.

I feel like since Rachel Cusk’s stylistic intention (or what I perceive it to be) was achieved in such a crystal clear manner, I can do nothing but admire and reflect upon the end result, as well as the feelings it evoked within me while and after reading it.