A review by mariahhanley
Incense and Sensibility by Sonali Dev


This book is….not my cup of tea. I love romances. I usually love Austen retellings. But god almighty this book is annoying.
I did not like a single character. It suffered mightily from the “Just HAVE A F-ING ADULT CONVERSATION” problem like so many other romance books. The “romance” was manufactured and didn’t feel real at all. It was melodramatic.
Raj is38 years old and can’t tell his family to back off. Or have any real conversation with any of them. At all. And he’s allegedly a skilled politician. Who can’t communicate. At all. Right.
China is in her mid-20s, I assume, and acts like a middle school brat pining after her first crush.
All of Raj’s sisters are overbearing.
India is a self-martyred whiny mess who also can’t communicate what she needs.
China and India’s mother is ridiculous. What’s up with those random stories? Just a distraction.
Naina is manipulative but again, why can’t any of them just have a GD conversation like GD adults and save 300 pages?
And last but not least, the audiobook narrator is terrible.
Hated every moment of this.