A review by katiemayveil
A Song for the Stars by Ilima Todd


I really enjoyed this book! This is a new genre for Ilima Todd; before she's done YA Science Fiction, and I must say that she did quite a good job with this Adult Historical Fiction/Proper Romance.
It takes place on the island of Hawaii just after Captain James Cook lands and meets the natives. Maile is the daughter of the island's chief, and she does not trust the newcomers. She is relieved when they leave and hopes they never return. As the second daughter of the chief, she is able to marry for love and is engaged to the islands best navigator. When Captain Cook comes back to Hawaii because of damage from a storm, the natives are not happy. The two groups fight and casualties occur on both sides. Maile suddenly finds herself helping John Harbottle heal from his wounds and grieving over the loss of her friends. As the two enemies get to know each other their relationship deepens and they learn to trust each other. When the island is in danger from a neighboring chief the sailors and natives have to work together to protect the island they've all come to love.
This is a story of loyalty, trust, observing, nature, and coming to respect the differences in others. Ilima Todd weaves a story that is engaging, captivating and wonderful. I had a hard time putting this book down. The dialogue flowed well and made me feel as though I was there in Hawaii. The descriptions are realistic, the people are relatable, and the story is based on true events! I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in history, romance, the ocean, or just looking for a good book.