A review by samanthajayne_x
Dream a Little Dream by Giovanna Fletcher


So this is a review for Giovanna Fletcher’s book Dream A Little Dream, now for anyone who knows me personally I LOVE her books, like I am obsessed with her books I love them so much and they are all great. So of course this book does not disappoint me or what I expect from Gi, she is an amazing author and I really do enjoying anything she writes, I would probably read her shopping list or something like that if I could. So the cover of this book is beautiful.

Anyway this story I find was a little different from Billy and Me or You’re the one i want, the romance elements was for the most part in her dreams when Sarah was dreaming about Brett, and then there was flirting when she met the REAL Brett which was awesomely cute. In my head I was just screaming at Sarah like ‘SAY YES ALREADY’ like obviously I didn’t scream out loud because it was 1am and I don’t think my flatmates would appreciate that much. But yes I got a little annoyed at Sarah saying no to Brett when in her head she totally wanted to tap that! Like she even had a small sex dream in there! So we know she wanted to. So yes but I did like the way Giovanna built up Sarah and Real life Brett’s relationship up until the wedding where they finally kiss. (I nearly jumped up and down on my bed i was that excited)

What was really interesting about this book was the relationships between Dan (Sarah’s ex.) Lexie, and Sarah. The hatred at the start that Sarah has for Lexie and Dan is completely understandable, I think at one point of our lives we have all hated our ex and whoever our ex has gotten with. But with Sarah it was nice to see her forgive Lexie after realising that Lexie was in fact innocent during that it wasn’t her fault for Dan and Sarah splitting up. So that was totally nice to see, but I’m glad her hatred for Dan stayed on for a little longer, let’s face it we all like to hate our exs. When Dan did finally confront her I couldn’t help but feel like he still had some feelings for Sarah even though he was getting ready to marry Lexie it felt like he still had a slight feeling there for her (I don’t know if that was just me but that’s how I felt.) So yes when he did finally apologise it was nice of him to do that and then it wasn’t as awkward afterwards.

THE FRIENDS, the friendship group they really did have me smiling the majority through this, it’s what everyone wants for their friends, a group for the most part you can always turn to when you need them the most. That is what i love about these friends, and they all managed to stick together after Sarah and Dan’s break up, which for the most part friendship groups tend to end up split up when something like that happens.

Another shocked for this one, Carly and Josh! Did not say that coming like omg, I did not expect for them to have been shagging each other for a year and then Carly to end up pregnant, which of course brings them even closer together! But then sadly she looses their baby but they are brought even closer. After Sarah and Brett, these two were totally my favourite couple, and I did just tweet Giovanna telling her she should create a story for them two! That might just be my feeling though who knows!