A review by casparb
Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism by Fredric Jameson


O it's complicated but also written with a good deal of discipline so the technical language isn't so overpowering.

I'm not really sure how to talk about this book. It really seems to cover everything. It's also (deceptively) a mammoth - the conclusion alone is about 120 pages. But there are excellent teaching points here too. I learnt plenty about architecture and Paul DeMan and the 18th century and the nouveau roman.

It's a little difficult to pin down the philosophical approach here - there seems to be more of a debt to Deleuze than Jameson seems willing to admit, perhaps because of his Hegelian allegiances. I don't know. But the thought-approaches are excellent so I highly recommend this for that if nothing else.

I think I was tempted to do 5 star but it would seem I have not. :)