A review by librariann
Almost Astronauts: 13 Women Who Dared to Dream by Tanya Lee Stone


Listen, I do not want to insinuate that I am a Lady Stereotype, all boo-hooing in my hankie every time I encounter some emotionally charged stimulus. ESPECIALLY after reading about how women have been historically perceived. Fact: I am not that kind of Lady. I spent much of my own child-and-young-adulthood making fun of my mother for crying at commercials and Lifetime movies of the week.

But this book about the women who were denied the opportunity to even TRY to be U.S. astronauts by the social mores of the 1960s made me cry TWICE. I don't think that's bad feminism. Truthfully, I think it's the especially good kind.

Pair it with Flygirl by Sherri Smith.