A review by marianaa__
The Revenge of Seven, by Pittacus Lore


I can't even describe how relieved I am for ~finally~ finishing this book! I've been reading so many books for college this semester that I wasn't able to finish a single book for my own leisure in months. I started this one in June (June!). I'm so glad I finally finished this one in particular. And even more glad because I'll be able to write a review about it, yet another thing I haven't done in a while.
Anyway, back to the topic. I was pretty disappointed with the previous book of the series' ending, so I wasn't sure if I was going to keep reading the next books. Pity, because I enjoyed all the other books immensely. In The Fall of Five,
SpoilerI lost my beloved Eight, one my favorite characters in the series. That caused Marina (another one of my faves) to change her personality drastically, which didn't help at all for me. Not to mention the thing with Five being a traitor, Ella being Setrákus Ra's granddaughter and so on...
. But, thanks to destiny or something, I happened to find The Revenge of Seven at a book fair and decided to buy it. I don't even know why, I just did. And honestly, I'm glad I did. I don't know if it was because the book I was reading before this one was really boring (The Elite by Kiera Cass, in case you're wondering), but I'd forgotten the descriptions were so detailed in this series. It's not too detailed (to the point of wanting to skip them to the "good parts"), but it's detailed enough for the readers to imagine the scenery and the characters, see what they're seeing and feel what they're feeling. I really liked this.
And the story is also really good! I kept wanting to know what was going to happen. And, to my relief, some of the things that bothered me in the previous book were addressed in this one, showing change or explaining it. That was what I liked the most about it. Not to mention
Spoilerthe amazing cliffhanger they left for Sam, also one of my faves
. Now I can't wait to read the next one! The reason why I didn't give it 5/5 stars was
Spoilerthe first chapters, during which I still disliked Marina's new personality. And, of course, the romance, which is always off in any book for me
. Still, 4/5 it is! It's really good and I recommend it.