A review by kazuchuu
#Prettyboy Must Die by Kimberly Reid

Did not finish book.
Full review now posted.
(This review can also be found on my blog!)


*sigh* I wish I didn't have to do this.

Here's the thing about this book: the concept is great. Teen spy on the run from revenge-thirsty ex-soldiers? Might be cliche, but I really enjoy these types of stories. I started this book filled with excitement, expecting some serious thrill and action to be heading my way.

... Well, I guess it's quite disappointing when you think you're in for a YA, but end up reading what sounds like a middle-grade novel instead. Not that I have anything against those, but why is this listed as YA then? It doesn't read like one.

Anyway, that's not the main issue. The main reason why this book was simply too tiring to read is because I really, really don't care about Peter/Jake. Not only is he arrogant, but he also looks down on pretty much everyone, and assumes girls can't be more than air-headed side characters. I mean, really? Does he seriously disregard Katie from the suspect list of hackers because she's a girl? Are you kidding me?!

I really, really can't stand Peter's "know-it-all" attitude, especially when the entire plot would be missing had it not been for his mistakes.

What's up with him treating Bunker - his best friend - like trash, by the way? And why is Bunker so loyal to him? I never understood the friendship between those two, if you can even call it that in the first place. Sure, there are times when Peter is grateful, but most of his point of view is just grumbling about how much of a liability Bunker is.

Let's play a little guessing game: what do you think is the nationality of the villain?

Yep. That's right. Ukrainian. 

*sigh* ... Really? Do we always have to have this in spy books? Please just give us American villains for a change, and a Ukrainian/Russian hero instead. I'd love that. I think we're all tired of this stereotype.

Aside from that, I feel like this plot is falling apart. You've got these bizarre scenarios going on that don't even make sense at times, almost like the author just throws in gadgets/solutions merely for the sake of writing clever escape plans. Additionally, the reaction of the students made no sense in some situations. Some of them could be so casual in the danger they'd be surrounded with, and that had me springing up a hundred question marks. I know I'd personally be running for cover, not skipping around school and looking for an attractive guy.

This book had me pausing in confusion a lot, and most of the time, just skimming through. Really wish this were better.