A review by soulinthepages
Dark Prince by Michelle Hercules


Solid 4⭐️ 

I actually really liked the lore of this story. The plot was good and kept me super interested but it’s like there was an ingredient missing. Maybe it was me wanting more of the information on the lore. That’s the only reason I couldn’t give it 5 ⭐️ 

I loved the love story of Lucca and Viviene. However I wish Viviene was way more of a clever badass. She had her moments but she seemed kinda meek. Lucca was amazing! Everything he said was perfection with the spice. Loved the spice completely! It was cute and fun and sorta twilight-y. 

I’m interested in seeing Saxon and Auroras story. I hope it gives more lore this time. And spiceeeee!!! The trope of “touch her and die” was a new one for me but I ended up loving it and wonder what kind of trope the second book will follow. 

I hope the characters we met in the first book don’t just fall out of the story after this. Really loved the characters!