A review by nikkisbooknook
Last Orders by P. J. Skinner


Tanya, Harry, Mouse and Co are back on the hunt for a new murderer!

Surfusion is finally ready to open but all is not well.  Rohan and Keiron are stressed, Ghita has made a life changing decision, Mouse is waitering until he goes to university and on opening night a local food critic decided to pop in.  Just as he gives a scathing review, he drops to the floor.  Has he been poisoned, had a heart attack or some other tragedy befallen him?

All my favourite characters are back and I love the way they continue to grow in my mind.  George is still my least favourite, I just cannot warm to him.  He just has this way of making my teeth ache lol.  Tanya and Harry continue to be a role model for older MC's who can muddle on together, no drama and still feel the love coming off the page - all in cosy fashion. 

There were plenty of red herrings (or should that be pink shrimps?) and twists and the overlapping storylines of the mystery, the relationships between Ghita, Keiron and Rohan and the beautiful found/blended family at the Grotty Hovel really grabbed my attention. 

There were some great secondary characters added to the story who helped move the action along - I'm looking at you Gladys!  I did go wrong a few times in my investigation but I did get one of the reveals right at least!

Murder mystery with a distinctly British seaside location, feeding our love of food, murder and antiques!  Cosy murder mystery with a developing off page romance between older MC's.  Great stuff!