A review by laurla
The Book of Air by Marjorie B. Kellogg

"what he wants is power, luxury, and me."
"but you're back into whats, not whys. even a dragon's got to have his whys. and when you know a person's whys, then you've got power over him."

"the only real power in words is what we give them ourselves."

"no sensible animal fouls and destroys its own nest. only the human animal."

Supposedly Fire had trapped Air so the four dragons could not complete their mission. How he managed to do this was never explained or even hinted at. The actual "release" of Air was a disappointment. And Air herself was an even bigger disappointment!! After all this build up of how important she was to the Purpose, she never even shows up in "person" or in dragon form, and all she contributes to the goal is "hurry, hurry!" which got real old real fast. Gerrasch -- who was the best thing happening in the whole book -- wondered if Air was even sane anymore. i liked the ending, unfortunately there were just so many loose ends. The fire dragon's conversion from villain to cooperative went mostly unexplained. all other villains in the series are swiftly murdered off by fire. the ending seemed rushed and simplified. the nanotech is never explained, the location of air's body is never explained. how is she trapped and unable to communicate in this future city, no explanation. the tinkers get returned to their time, but kothen is left dumped alone in the future, without paia. i dont get it.