A review by nightxade
Ziggy Marley's Marijuanaman by Jim Mahfood, Joe Casey


This book's blurb promises that "this is not the comic you think it is!" If you didn't think this book was promoting marijuana and hemp usage, then the blurb would be true. But really, what could you possibly expect from a book called "Marijuanaman?" Nice try, Ziggy Marley, but we're on to you!

The story is simplistic. Big drug company wants to destroy the hippies promoting peace, love and smoking. The bad guys have a ringer: Cash Money, an evil robot with no heart. The hippies have a ringer too: Sedona, a man from the planet Yelram (lol, really?) where his people do not have DNA, but THC instead, and, in response to a few good tokes, he becomes the mighty Marijuanaman.

This is definitely a self indulgent story written about -- and probably while -- being high. The art is fun and the story clearly isn't taking itself too seriously, despite the message, which culminates in a list of facts about hemp and marijuana use and how they are better both economically and environmentally than the many things big corporations throw upon us now.