A review by tamzinlittle
Caligula by David Greig, Albert Camus


 No matter how much human power you have, the power of fate has more than you.

Even if you pursue your ends to the point you think you are untouchable, no one is untouchable.

I’m looking forward to coming back to this after reading more of Camus’ work, and seeing more perspectives on reactions to the absurd.

From the reviews I’m seeing all of Camus’ plays seem to be about different peoples reactions to the absurd, which I think is great.

In terms of this one, Caligula is confronted with the Absurd when he loses his long time lover and realises that men mostly die unhappy. To combat this, he decides to have power over life by killing everyone for the lols, fucking everyone’s wives and really just messing with people for his own pleasure. As such, he feels like he is untouchable. But really, his own death is just around the corner…

I would absolutely love to see this performed, because it was really quite funny at parts!