A review by ambergamgee
Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism by Seyward Darby


This is NOT an easy read because the subject matter is so scary and atrocious. The quotes made my skin crawl and stomach turn. Darby’s writing is very good though and she gives the information and tells the story in a way that counter balances the white supremacists quotes. It ends on a hopeful note, so even though it was hard to read I’m glad I finished it.
I have two major takeaways from it: 1. White supremacists and racists are not necessarily stupid, sometimes they can be intelligent and clever. Evil does not mean stupid. Do not underestimate them. 2. Most of the time people are drawn to white supremacy because they are looking for connection and simple answers to complex problems. I don’t know how to be nice to racists and people who have chosen evil...but apparently completely cancelling them, shutting them out only further pushes them towards evil, and doesn’t give them an out. I don’t have the answer but I think there needs to be room for forgiveness and redemption for former racists.