A review by ikahime
The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry by Wendell Berry


This is one of those books that you can read over and over again - for refreshers and boosts to your own philosophy, but also to argue with, or realize that your opinions have changed since your last reading. A collection of essays that hold the farm at its heart, but are still approachable for the urban non-farmer. Calls for responsible awareness of food long before Pollan, consideration of an almost Amish nature of the appropriateness of technology, the wholesale rejection of modern, rapacious economy. I find it hard to side with his stubborn cleavage to the Christian faith, but agree that what much of the Bible says does not jive with what most Christians do with respect to God's creation. Too bad more Christians aren't like Wendell - it would be a totally different faith in practice.