A review by ericarobyn
The Best of Indie Horror by Christina Bergling, Christopher Motz, David Owain Hughes, Nicola Lombardi, Kevin J. Kennedy, Mike Duke, Calvin Demmer, Mark Lukens, Douglas Hackle, Shaun Hutson, Lex H. Jones, John R. Little, Mark Cassell, Lee Mountford, Tim Curran, Steven Stacy, Andrew Lennon, J.C. Michael, Lee Murray, Kyle M. Scott


I was so excited to see this line up of authors in the Table of Contents of The Best Of Indie Horror presented by Kevin J Kennedy! And many of these titles really sparked my interest.

This collection is another 5 star read for me!

Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my rating in any way. I also purchased a copy!

Okay, first things first… I’m OBSESSED with this cover. How amazing is that?! I need a print copy of this one ASAP.

Per usual, here are my quick thoughts on each tale:

Another Warrior in Paradise by Calvin Demmer – 5/5
Oh the promise of Paradise… It just never seems to work out, does it? The second our main character entered the cave, I dreaded seeing what would happen next. Absolutely terrifying!

Refuge by Lee Mountford – 5/5
What a twisted tale! After a group go on the run after a robbery gone wrong, this tale takes a brutal and horrific turn!

Misdiale by Mark Lukens – 5/5
Goodness… the number of times I have accidentally called a wrong number. What a terrifying plot!

Over the Precipice by J.C. Michael- 4/5
My goodness, the anger in this man! Phew!!

Making a Difference by Mike Duke- 5/5
Phew! First of all, what a conversation to have with a bunch of six year olds! That was insanely brutal! Second, what an intense and scary world they all live in!

Martina’s Gelato by John R. Little – 4/5
This poor girl! What a way to spend a birthday…

Cold Blooded by Tim Curran – 4/5
Phew, what an intense tale! I loved not knowing what creature we were dealing with up until the very end.

The Suicide Shagger by David Owain Hughes – 4/5
This guy…. I was so glad to see that he was about to finally change his mindset, but by then it was too late.

On Set with North by Mark Cassell- 4/5
Phew. This one reminded me of Color Out Of Space a bit, but technology based. What a bizarre and creepy tale!

The Black Rock by Andrew Lennon – 4/5
Yessss I loved the path this one took!

The Dark Sign by Christina Bergling – 4/5
Good lord this one was messed up! This poor teenager…

Love on a Rooftop by Christopher Motz – 3/5
My god the anger in these two! I hate them both! What a scary tale to read on a rainy day…

Into the Mystic by Steven Stacy – 3/5
Oh no! Well, that Valentine’s Day certainly took a turn!

The Duffle Bag by Douglas Hackle –
Not one for me.

Gobstopper by Kyle M. Scott – 5/5
My goodness!! I loved this one so much. It was absolutely brutal with the bullying, but that candy shop and the candy the kid walked away with was amazing!

Out of the Strong by Shaun Hutson – 4/5
Go bees! I loved the payback here.

Dreamtime by Lee Murray and Nichola Lombardi – 4/5
What a heartbreaking and terrifying tale! This one started out in such a normal, everyday life scene. I definitely couldn’t have guessed where it was going!

The Edge of the World by Lex H Jones – 5/5
Ah! Another heartbreaking and terrifying tale! This one made me tear up!

My Final Thoughts
Another amazing collection of tales that I would be happy to return to time and time again! I don’t know how Kevin J. Kennedy does it, but he always includes so many killer stories that I just love!