A review by wildgurl
To Throw Away Unopened by Viv Albertine


To Throw Away Unopened
By Viv Albertine
Faber & Faber

When Viv Albertine's mother passed on, she was left with the task of cleaning up her home and sorting through her belongings. She find a zipper bag with the words 'To throw away unopened' amongst her them, and so began the beginning of this wonderful memoir.

When her parents went through a child custody battle i the 1960s, the court encouraged each parent to keep a seperate journal, and both did. After both parents have died, Viv acquires both journals and begins to read them. They are shocking and chilling to her and leave her with even more unanswered questions.Viv's honest candor and upfront honesty about her viewpoints and emotions are admirable.

This memoir is a testimony to motherhood, and the strength of women. Throughout are many quotes by women, some humorous, some about empowerment. This is her journey and experiences being a mother to her daughter, as well as her experiences with her own mother.

Candid and absorbing, I found this book and Viv absolutely charming.