A review by a_chickletz
Frenchman's Creek by Daphne du Maurier


I originally was going to give this book four out of five, but then I sat a it on it and decided to give it a steady 3.

That Frenchman. If there was a gorgeous rogue, a man that was in all purposes bad (a pirate!), I think I found the man I'd run away with. I say this because he was perhaps one of my favorite pirates ever written. He is handsome, he is a shit, he is a thinker, he cares about his crew, he draws (birds!), and he can say the most prettiest thing... meanwhile, he steals ships, robs rich folk of their stuff and gives to the needy.

But the girl. Dona. She does not deserve him. She is the most self-centered, annoying woman. The reason I say this is that she runs away from her life in the city to the country to get away from the husband who she married and had children with. The husband who is head-over-heels in love with her, and by all means, dumb as bricks too. She brings her children with her to her husband's old country home and finds out it has been used by a pirate. When she finds out about the pirate, she commits her life to this pirate and forgets about her husband. HOW THE FUCK do you do that? Even if you didn't want to have children, woman, you have them and you have to commit to this relationship and the fact you are a mother to them. Nope. Dona does not give a fuck, and so that was the problem with her throughout the whole book. The pirate did not deserve her, and I think he realized that in the end. She would always be this married woman with children. He would always be the pirate who wasn't tied down.

Maybe if the husband was an awful shit, and she didn't have children, and there was more danger than his friends... maybe I'd want her to be with the pirate. But no, not this woman and especially not the circumstances of this book.

So, yeah. That's why it's a three star read. It's not bad, but that woman just brought it down two stars for me.