A review by vivianne
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust


Actual rating: 3.25 stars.

Though quite enjoyable with an entertaining romance and pleasant main character, I felt like this book was nothing special and way too short for what it tried to be.

I’ve read this book 10 days ago and, already, I can’t tell you a single thing about it. It’s quite forgettable and the main reason for that was that nothing really stood out in this book therefore it can disappear in the sea of other YA fantasies out there.

I think the world was very interesting and I would definitely want to read more about this in a future book. But I was rather disappointed by how “small” it remained. It was sufficient enough to support the story but it never made me gasp or be like wow this is so well thought out or so original. While reading I just kept being like: I want more, how, why? And towards the ending it became a little frustrating. It just made this a story of good vs evil and who will remain in the end.

I actually had the same experience with the plot. There was sufficient of a plot line to keep me entertained and there was enough history to support the plot line and motivations of the characters and world, but I just wanted more. It was all so basic and I missed side plot lines of for example side characters or more about the history of the world. I did love the Persian influences and that some things were based on Persian mythology.

I also had trouble getting into this book, but that might have been due to my reading slump. Nevertheless the plot was really entertaining and once I was about 10% in I could not stop reading and I finished it in under 2 days (but that might have been also due to the simplicity of the plot and world).

I found the main character enjoyable to read from, nevertheless I cannot remember a single thing about her too. The romance was, however, pleasantly surprising and renewing. I really enjoyed this part.

The ending wrapped up a bit too quickly and too perfectly, it made it hard to believe and wasn’t as enjoyable for me.

Nevertheless it was quite entertaining and it’s a fast read, plus I love that it’s a fantasy standalone. But there are better books out there to read.