A review by pmg227
Your Story Matters: Finding, Writing, and Living the Truth of Your Life by Leslie Leyland Fields


Several weeks ago, my pastor encouraged us to write down our testimony. Why? For one reason, because it is your story and no one can argue with it.What better way to demonstrate how God has worked in our lives? As Fields reminds us, God attends to every moment of our life, therefore, so should we. If you have ever wanted to share your story (and we all have one), this book will help you know where to start, what to write about, and what not to write about. She will lead you chapter by chapter with writing prompts and assignments at the end of each chapter.
This book is now available for preorder, so don't wait to get started on telling your story!

For a more complete review, please visit my blog at:

*A pdf copy of this book was provided for me for an honest review.