A review by lifeinthebooklane
Her Montana Master by Maren Smith


Reading this made me want to immediately one-click all the Maren Smith books I haven't yet bought.

This was just - *swoon*, sigh - quite simply wonderful. The whole book revolves very much around Maddon and Clover, with just a handful of scenes involving other characters. This allows us to really form a connection with both main characters, believe in them and understand them. The emotion, wanting and heart ache both crushed me and filled me with a sense of longing of my own.

Clover is so vulnerable, so damaged by the men in her life and her constant poor choices, Maddon has his own issues but is the rock that anchors her world. The chemistry and bond the author portrayed between the pair held me spellbound from the first to last word. I may even have shed the odd tear, especially at the end. The only reason I didn't read it in one go was that it got so late I fell asleep before I could finish it.

This was very much a book you never wanted to end, it was sweet, steamy, loving, happy, sad and troubled all in one well written package. Madden is such a caring, loving Dom, not perfect but perfect for Clover. Strict when he needs to be, recognising Clover's needs and filling them. Whilst the BDSM content is fairly 'light' it was still extremely hot and fitted well with the story. I'm definitely looking forward to more books in this series.