A review by angelicasreads
We Told Six Lies by Victoria Scott


**I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.**

Well, that was quite a strange little book I just read. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am not one for mystery novels, especially YA mystery novels. And yet, I constantly find myself reading them. Why? I have no idea. I don't necessarily like them. Maybe I'm secretly holding hope that I'll find one to blow me away. Sadly, this one wasn't it. 

This novel was a ride. It was like watching a horrible car crash on the freeway, all going up in flames. I couldn't look away! 

This book is, as you guessed, a mystery. Molly has gone missing and her boyfriend, Cobain, with whom she had previously planned to run away, is the main suspect. The story is told in three different POVs/ time periods. We get to see the past, before Molly went missing, told from Cobain's pov. Then, we see the present from both Cobain's pov, as he tries to find his girlfriend and Molly's pov, as she tries to escape the masked man who has abducted her.

Throughout it all, everyone becomes a suspect. Molly wasn't exactly a saint, and Cobain isn't exactly the hero he likes to think he is.

The entire novel is full of twist and turns, leaving me unsure of who truly was to blame for all of it. There was so much happening and yet, I have to admit, I didn't much care for the mystery. The chapters in which we saw Cobain trying to solve the mystery weren't as interesting to me as seeing Molly's manipulations as she tried to escape, or as seeing the origin of their relationship.

The reason I kept reading was because of the charcters. The main characters were the true car crash in this novel. They were a tragic, disturbing mess and I wanted to know more about them! Their relationship is borderline abusive, going both ways. It's toxic and manipulative. It's something that I would not wish upon anyone, and yet, it was so interesting! 

Molly is a manipulator. She uses Cobain's emotions to get what she wants, and constantly refers to him as her wolf, a beast to which she alone holds the leash. Cobain is obsessed with Molly, constantly following her home and forcing her to admit she loves him. They are wicked, horrible people, their relationship was all types of wrong, and I wanted to keep reading about them if only to see how far they would go before they destroyed each other.

Also, a lot of people complained about the characters and their abusive relationship. Do I agree that it's toxic? Yes, it's an extremely messed up romance between two seriously messed up people. But I don't think the book necessarily glorifies it. Not all books need to have nice, lovable characters in good and happy relationships. That's not the reality of the world. Some relationships are like this, and as long as authors aren't praising them and telling young, impressionable people that this is the norm, I see nothing wrong with writing them. 

In the end, this was entertaining for the time being. Will I remember much of this in a few months? Probably not. Do I recommend it? I don't know. If you like mysteries and you won't be bothered by these characters, you might like it. Otherwise, I don't think this might be the one for you.