A review by tezzarudge
Outlaw by Angus Donald


Super solid opening to the series.
3.5 stars on my weighted scale, rounded to 4

Really enjoyed this different take on Robin Hood. Robin is not the MC but the leader of the outlaws in which our MC, Alan joins.

The story is a weaving of Alan's tale. From a young thief , and his development into a man of the sword and a faithful servant of Robin.

The story moved at a lovely pace, with no sections dwelling to long or being to short. The writing itself was pleasant if not spectacular.

I didnt get as much from the characters as I like, which is what pulled the score down. I liked the mystery of Robin but wanted to see more depth on the other characters like Tuck and John. The enemy were also just the token bad guys and perhaps the single pov of the story limited the ability to show more detail.

The plot rounded out really nicely in this part of the story . And I will pick up book 2, right away