A review by beckiebookworm1974
Belle's Betrayal by Aria Adams



This is loosely based dark retelling of Beauty and the beast.
I am a massive fan of this fairy-tale and do try to read anything with any similarities.
This one wasn’t really for me I am sorry to say I just couldn’t connect with the characters within in any shape or form the two males Brandon and Coal were so polar in their opposite behaviour in their good guise and bad that I couldn’t relate to either of the two extremes.
They seemed like caricatures of good and bad with no interesting qualities in either persona.
I also found the characters themselves to be pretty one-dimensional and I just couldn’t get a feel on Marea at all.
As I didn’t connect with this, I just couldn’t bring myself to even care about any of the participants of this tale.
I also thought the world building itself could do with some fleshing as well, I imagined that this was some sort of fantasy realm but in the past due to the chamber pots and descriptions used but then it would come out with modernisms like trolling and the milkman and I would think Yah what!!!!
Its not that this had dark material, I like dark I just never felt actually affected by anything like I was one-step removed, which is not good considering the horrific monsters these two men seemed to be.
I then, unfortunately, lost interest and found my self skimming this I am surprised I finished as usually, this would have been a DNF but as I was quite far in here, I persevered.
Cole and Brandon in my opinion never really redeem themselves and I wasn’t convinced of anyone’s feelings that includes Marea herself.
This was an imaginative idea and the writing itself wasn’t awful but for me this was a bit of a hot mess.
I really wish I could have liked this more than I did.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of Belles Betrayal.


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm