A review by maudd
Hard Love by Sara Ney


Apparently Sara Ney really transformed my taste in men, I am now attracted to virgins and douchebags, perfect.

I had missed my douchebags! While I must say Tripp was not as bad as Zeke, it was still quite close. He is grumpy, grouchy and annoying, all the things I would have never pictured myself liking in a man but that I apparently loved in Tripp. On the other hand, we have sweet and innocent Chandler, the perfect passive heroine… until she knocks you on your ass and you discover that she is a lot more than the ordinary girl you thought her to be.

As always, I’ve absolutely loved my read. Sara Ney always find the perfect scenes to make you laugh and other things... I mean, who knew pumpkin carving sex was a thing before her? Also, Molly, Tripp’s 15-year-old neighbour, is the most hilarious teenager on this planet. If you thought Buzz was invasive, this is nothing compared to this little matchmaker.

I think Hard Love might be my favourite of the Trophy Boyfriends series so far. My main problem with the other two was how short they were, but this one is a bit longer and we get more content and cute moments. And we also get some good… spicy moments let’s say.
Weirdly, I think this one made me laugh even more than Buzz’s book, don’t ask me why!

If you were in need of a good douchebag, Tripp is your man!

4.5 stars
*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*