A review by rhodesbookshelf_
The Chalice and the Crown by Kassandra Flamouri


The Chalize and the Crown tells the story of Sasha, a ballet dancer who suffers from awful nightmares that drag her into a world of violence and magic, and makes her slowly lose contact with reality.

Wow, that was incredible. I have no words.

It’s been a while since a read a book that left me in shock and sobbing. This story was so well written, so beautiful and raw and freaking interesting from page one. I couldn’t stop reading, it was THAT addictive. I love every character with my heart. What Sasha goes through, and the way her story is written, just dragged me into that world too. I definitely feel like even the villains are absolutely necessary for the actual background of the story.

So many scenes broke my heart, so many made me smile and so many made me sob like a baby, and even though I was expecting another ending to it, I wouldn’t change what happened. And the plot twists? WOW I was all the time trying to figure out what was happening and the meaning of certain scenes and characters, and still it all surprised me.

Am I sad that Sasha and Sadra didn’t end up together? Definitely. Am I happy with the final ships anyway? Hell yes.

Thanks to Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.