A review by leahkarge
Whispered Lies by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dianna Love


As I write a review for this book for the second time, I find that I am still completely in love with it. I have loved Sherrilyn Kenyon's writing for a long time and I know that she will almost always give me a wonderful book. I have not read much by Dianna Love, but she works well with Sherrilyn Kenyon, in my opinion.

I have been having a problem lately with heroines--I have been hating them all. I read Phantom of the Night, the previous BAD Agency book, before I reread this book and that brought me out of my funk, thank goodness. I wanted to reread this book after I finished PotN, but I think I also did this just so that I would know I was reading about a good heroine. Thank you for not letting me down!

I continue to love every character in this book and find that they are just as wonderfully complex as I found them before. Well, they are not complex complex, but they have layers to them that I enjoyed reading about again: Carlos, the former Anguis soldier who turned his back on his "family" to protect those he loves; Gabrielle, the woman who constantly risks her life to help those who need it when no one every bothered to do the same for her; Korbin, the loyal scoundrel; Rae, the sassy, capable female of the team; Gotthard, the computer genius; Linette, the woman who risks her life everyday as she serves a group she never wanted a part of; Hunter, the sadly misunderstood aristocrat; Joe and Tee, the fearless and frightening leaders of the agency; and Retter, who still remains a sexy mystery to me. Like I said, complex.

I still love the plotline and I was still able to be surprised at parts. It was great to revisit an adventure that I loved the first time around and enjoyed even more on the second go-round. But then, I always enjoy Sherrilyn Kenyon's plotlines, so that's not really a new discovery for me.

If I've never said so before, I highly recommend the BAD Agency series. It's a great romantic suspense series, and it's a nice change from all the paranormal, historical, and contemporary romance.