A review by oxnard_montalvo
Time's Last Gift by Philip José Farmer


The cover of the copy I bought is far more epic than this.

Basically this is the tale of the worst scientists ever; they bumble around and end up 'integrating' into a tribe with the magic of massive guns and them grumble about giving out antibiotics because of ethics. The improbably named Grimbardsun goes and shoots a bunch of bears just 'cause. You know. Why not?
There are fist-fights, gun fights, love triangles, amnesia, mammoth hunts, attempted murders and iffy science. It's basically great if you like the kind of writing that details what time a dude woke up and what he ate for breakfast and that he did push ups for half an hour before putting on his thermal tank top.
I've not read much in the way of this kind of paperback sci-fi, but it's entertaining. The characters are either fairly bland or outlandishly awesome. I would have liked Grimbardsun to take more of a backseat, not just so the other characters could be fleshed out, but because it seemed like he was doing all the SCIENCE by himself. But then, ostensibly, this is his story. Whatever- it's a time-travel yarn from 1972. It is what it is.