A review by haletostilinski1
His Truth by Riley Hart


4.25 stars!

This was a solid installment from Riley Hart, and a beautifully told story. After my last read by Riley Hart, which didn't go well, I was happy to get back what I love about her writing in this story. It felt a tad angstier than what she usually does and she handled it well. I think getting actual professionals to look over it and give her tips and so on really helped.

I thought for a little bit that it went from Roman being not okay to okay pretty quickly, but then the further the story went along, the more Roman was still not okay, and I was actually glad for that, because he had a lot of shit he had to deal with. 12 years worth of repression as well as the issues from what happens to him when he's 16 that he never dealt with.

Leo and Roman fell in love when they were 15 and were together in secret for about a year. They were each other's first love, each other's only love, but when that horrible thing happens to Roman, Roman is traumatized and shuts Leo out, and ends things horribly, breaking Leo's heart.

And Leo hardens his heart, not letting anyone in and sticking to just sex, with any guy who he finds attractive and who is willing. There were a few instances of Leo with others in this early on - although thankfully not terribly detailed - but once he and Roman become a them again, it's just them, thankfully.

I never used to worry about Hart's MC's being with others while together, but ever since Jared's Evolution...ugh. Anyway, moving on ;)

I loved, ultimately, how Hart got these two to a fairly good place by the end of this book. I was scared for awhile there, but it all works out. Roman is eventually pushed to a point where he has to deal with his past -
Spoilerbecause of his brother returning.
- and Leo and Roman start to learn how to communicate and lean on each other instead of push each other away and stand back instead of dealing with things.

I do think that
Spoilerthe epilogue was going good until Roman said he'd give a chance for Anthony to try and have a relationship with him...and I really wish he wouldn't have. No matter how remorseful Anthony is, he still helped to beat Roman to within an inch of his life and was the one to rat Roman out in the first place. And then caused Roman 12 years of suffering, hell more than that, because of it. I don't think that should ever be forgiven, or given the chance to be. Okay, yeah, Anthony is remorseful and wants to make amends. Too bad. Couldn't Roman have been like "that's great for you, but I think its best we aren't in each other's lives. Good luck with that redemption" and then move on? Anthony doesn't deserve to be back in Roman's life, no matter what. Even if he redeemed himself. There's no going back from what he did, or making it better. Fuck him. So yeah, THAT is one thing that pissed me off at the end.

This also could have been a little steamier, something that usually pretty lacking in Harts books for me is the sex, and not that it wasn't good, just that they were pretty fast, fairly glossed over sex scenes. These two were definitely intimate together, hot together, I just wanted more with the sex, more depth to it, like just as much depth as was given their romance, their love. If you're in love with someone, the sex should be an extension of that love, so treating it like just...sex, makes it a little lackluster for me.

But hey, that's just me :)

And anyway, this book was wonderful, I definitely recommend it. This is Hart's strongest solo work, for me, since [b:Depth of Field|35666651|Depth of Field (Last Chance, #1)|Riley Hart|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1499952188s/35666651.jpg|56876567].