A review by cynsworkshop
Outlaws by Jen Calonita


Review of ‘Outlaws’ (Royal Academy Rebels #2)
Originally reviewed on Cyn's Workshop

Sequel to Misfits, this novel follows Devin and her friends, as they navigate their new surroundings. The gang has been banished to the woods upon realizing that the fairy godmother who was supposed to watch over them is indeed a villain. Now the group has decided to forge a plan to save not only themselves but the realm as well.

There is a lot more action in this novel as the group is now outside of school as they embark on their journey through treacherous woods, wanted by the realm as criminals. They even meet new friends, characters who were also banished by the evil fairy. However, there is a level of suspicion going on here that adds more tension than what was in the previous novel. Tara and her friends have different skills than Devin and her friends, and they have been out in the woods for quite some time. Tara wants to hide, but once her friends meet Devin, hope and the desire to expose the fairy godmother and rebel fill them up. Needless to say, but Tara and Devin butt heads throughout the novel. Both have alpha personalities, so their personalities clash, preventing them from getting along, but their trust issues slowly dissipate, lending the novel some much-needed character growth.

Now, as far as character growth goes, it is minor regarding the cast, All except for Raina White. She is the one character who grows immensely throughout this novel as she goes from wants to be in Olivina’s good graces and conforming to her idea of what a lady should be, to stepping up to the challenges and finally accepting that there is more for her to offer the world. Raina is the one character in the novel whose character rises to the occasion and for Calonita to devote that much character growth to her was brilliant.

The story continues to have a fun atmosphere to it as it rallies behind these kids desire to break away from the mold and fight for what is right in the world, the right to be different and loved and accepted for it. (★★★★☆)

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