A review by bookish_terror
Different Seasons, by Stephen King



I think this was a good King short story/novella collection to start the New Year with.

Rita Hayworth And Shawshank Redemption: 4/5. I didn't know what other stories were included in this collection but I was so pleased to learn about this one. I remember watching the movie ages ago, far too young to be watching such a movie. But it was so long ago that I didn't remember anything specific and therefore could experience this story like it was brand new to me. And wow! This is one of those stories that hurts, but in such a good way. Of course I loved the friendship between Andy and Red. Red committed a terrible crime, but he doesn't go out of his way to be a good or bad guy. But he gives his word and he keeps it. He's just so genuinely honest you can't help but sympathize and root for him. He's probably my favorite character in the story. And of course you feel for Andy. He's an innocent man. He really does not belong in Shawshank. Yet he endures so much pain - willingly - because he so desperately dreams of being a free man again one day. And the ending is just so satisfying. I rewatched the movie as soon as I finished the story. And while, I almost cried while reading, I definitely cried at the end of the film! Shawshank Redemption is one of the more faithful book to screen King adaptations. Very little was changed, and I'm glad because this was just to good to alter.

Apt Pupil: 3/5. I was not prepared for this one! I don't think my rating of this particular story is based on my enjoyment - because I honestly just don't know how to feel about it - but more on just that I really didn't know what I was getting into when I started it. This was probably the most disturbing thing I've read from Stephen King so far. It's a story of a kid who descends into sociopathy, which, to me, is much scarier than all the gory things King writes. I haven't watched the movie for this one and I don't know if I ever will, ha!

The Body: 5/5 This is the sole reason why I bought this collection. I've watched Stand By Me more times than I can probably count. I figured it was about time I read the novella it's based on. And it did not disappoint! It's a classic coming of age story for a reason. These young boys live tough lives and the rest of their lives could really go one way or the other. And you really get to see that struggle within all of them. I laughed, I cried; and of course I love them all but you can't help but favor Gordie and Chris. They're friendship ("friendship" *wink wink*) is just so dear to me. And yes, I did rewatch the movie, for the umpteenth time, after finishing this one. I can definitely appreciate it much more now. And again, it's one of the more faithful King adaptations you'll watch.

The Breathing Method: 2/5. I was disappointed with this one, I'm sorry to say. I don't really have any criticisms for it, I just didn't like it.

Overall, I think this is a great collection of stories. And if you've never read any Stephen King before, I'd say this is a good collection to wet your feet with.