A review by dullshimmer
The Last Apprentice: Wrath of the Bloodeye (Book 5) by Joseph Delaney


Wrath of the Bloodeye is the fifth book in The Last Apprentice series of books, or the Wardstone Chronicles in the UK. I've been enjoying the series so far, and that continues to be the case in this book.

After the events of the last book everyone is worried about Tom's safety. The Spook decides to send him to a former apprentice of his Bill Arkwright to help Tom toughen up a bit in preparation for the foes he'll have to face in the future. This doesn't go very smoothly as Bill is a very different temperament than Mr. Gregory. On top of the struggle of getting used to his temporary new master, the powerful which known as the Bloodeye seems to be after Tom.

There is a lot that goes on in this book. As always I really like the character of Tom, he's a good person and strives to protect and stand up for those he cares about. In the world of the Last Apprentice that seems like it will be hard to maintain because it's a pretty bleak world. Other characters are interesting, but I struggle more with their decisions and whether I agree with them or not.

I've always been a fan of Alice, but I'm a bit worried that she's really going to go down the wrong path after this book. Mr. Gregory is trying this best to do what he thinks is right, but I often find myself wondering if he's actually right much of the time. Even Bill's character wound up being more complex than I thought after we learned more about him and his past.

This book definitely felt a bit more complex in terms of character development than some of the previous books and I liked that. I flew right through this and found it very enjoyable. I'm very curious to see where Tom's story goes next.