A review by bookcrazylady45
Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth by Camille Bacon-Smith


Very similar in structure and content to Textual Poachers. Also published in 1992 and therefore contains no information on the X-Files Internet fandom phenomenon. This one was also full of underlining from my previous reading and again I underlined a bit more. I only had three fandoms X-Files, Starsky & Hutch and The Professionals. I have read some Star Trek and like TP, this book is mainly about Trek fandom. Excellent source book about a subject with few well researched histories. I did a little research recently about which fandoms have the most posted stories. Currently, there are only two archives and none of these four fandoms is represented in the top 30 or 40. I remember all of those archives on Geocities, Tripod, Angel etc. that vanished with stories. All of those personal websites and host websites that disappeared overnight. I have on my computer 7000 X-Files stories...every one Mulder/Krycek and I know I don't have every one ever written. That totally excludes all the Mulder/Scully shipper fic, all the Mulder/Skinner, all the noromo, all the het fic, all the case fic, all the canon fic. 90% of all X-Files fic has not been transferred. I have 6000 Pros stories on my computer...there are 2700 on A03. So much has been lost but the phenomenon continues and is still growing.