A review by tmikerx
The Ruin of Angels by Max Gladstone


Wonderful. This was the type of story that drove me to love Gladstone so much. This book is, essentially, one giant love story - but of so many different types. Familial love, romantic love, platonic love, love of your job(?)... But the story does not focus on that aspect as odd as it sounds. Rather, the love stories are the motivating factors behind the movements of the characters, and it helps to focus on why things are being done the way they are.

The cities in themselves are worthy of praise in their world building, and while reading I couldn't help but feel that as Agdel Lex and Alikand are layered on top of each other, so is our world layered on top of theirs. References to things like looking at a watch to meet a step goal, or wearing a comic book t-shirt helped foster this sense that some of the events that played out in the book also had an effect on events in the real world (or vice versa).

The characters... Every single one of them is a bad ass Woman who don't need no man (yes, there are men, but they are not the focus). I love a good story where there is character growth, and Gladstone did not disappoint on this front.

While I think this book COULD be read on its own, I definitely don't recommend it. There are references to characters and events beyond the scope of this story that having prior knowledge of makes this book so much richer.

Most definitely a 5 star read.