A review by berlinbibliophile
Shapers of Worlds: Science fiction & fantasy by authors featured on the Aurora Award-winning podcast The Worldshapers by Tanya Huff, Edward Willett, David Brin, David Weber, Julie E. Czerneda, Gareth L. Powell, Seanan McGuire, Dr. Charles E. Gannon, John Scalzi, L.E. Modesitt Jr.


I received a free copy of this ebook on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this anthology. I liked how different the stories were from one another, with a wide range of fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, steampunk and everything in between. My favourites were Fonda Lee's "Welcome to the Legion of Six", Seanan McGuire's "In Silent Streams, Where Once the Summer Shone" and "The Knack of Flying" by Shelley Adina Bates.