A review by julielb
Beware the Woman by Megan Abbott


I would give this 4.5 stars but since we don't have half stars available, I've rounded down to 4.

In this story, a husband and wife, Jacy and Jed, who recently found out that they are pregnant, drive to secluded area of Michigan to stay in Jed's father's house for a visit over 4th of July weekend. The couple have been married two years and Jacy wonders how well she knows Jed, pondering her mom's words that she married a stranger.

At first, Jacy is entranced with Dr. Ash, Jed's retired dr father. He seems charismatic and wants to do all he can to make pregnant Jacy comfortable. However, things soon start to get a bit creepy as Jacy begins to feel she is being held slightly captive, not able to leave to go back home after she is diagnosed with a displaced placenta (can't remember technical term) and wants to go back to her own dr. Jed starts to withdraw from her, bouncing from getting drunk at night with his friends to being apologetic and solicitous.

Dr. Ash and Jed both seem to be conspiring against her to keep her there. And Jacy knows there is some strange connection going on with what happened to Jed's mom, who died giving birth to Jed.

This book started out light and fluffy and soon became claustrophobic. I really liked it, was drawn in and felt some of the strange thoughts by Jacy were reasonably attributed to pregnancy, the isolation, the strange stories she's been reading, and trying to navigate the cloistering behaviors of Dr. Ash and Jed.

I really liked this book right up until the end, and I was disappointed in how it ended. Did others feel the same way?