A review by thanys_thoughts
Call Me Irresistible, by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


This is really more of a 3.5.

I recently met Susan Elizabeth Phillips at her signing in San Diego, and she was a delight to meet. I had only read a few of her books and she had been hit or miss with me. I, of course, bought one of her books to sign and wanted to give her another chance.

I think I figured out why she can be hit or miss with me.

Her characters are always great. Call Me Irresistible was no different. The sassy, witty Meg and the perfect, handsome Ted were well written. I loved the dialogue between them. The metaphors and wisecracks Meg made comparing Ted to Jesus was hilarious! The strong supporting characters (a lot of them from her previous books) were funny and made me want to check out their stories as well.

I think the problem I have is the 'ah-ha' moment. The moment in a romance novel were the hero and/or heroine figure out they love the other person and want to make it work. I feel that her 'ah-ha' moments are always not as well plotted out and come out forced.

This 'ah-ha' moment wasn't as bad as one of her other novel's was, but it was so-so.

I still like her and respect her as an author. I think her characters make it worth it, I just wish the plotting was a little better.

I think I expect too much from my romance novels.