A review by kylielovesbooks
The Christmas Thief by Mary Higgins Clark


3.5 stars
I picked this up from Goodwill solely because it takes place in Stowe, Vermont which is about 15 minutes from where I live and it was a Christmas book.
It was a fun, quick cozy mystery and I enjoyed my time reading it. It was a little bit bland though. The characters were all just ok. None of them really stood out to me and I really didn't care much about their fates. The writing style was a little bit off in my opinion too. It just felt almost too simple, or like the author was trying too hard to explain every little thing. I'm not sure how to explain it. Some parts/lines just kind of annoyed me, like when one of the characters constantly thought something like "before we even left for Vermont, I knew something bad was going to happen."
The actual plot was fun even though it seemed a little far fetched. How coincidental is it that the one tree in the entire world that Packy Noonan decided to hide his $80 million worth of diamonds, was the tree that was being chosen to be cut down to be put in Rockafeller Center on the exact day Packy was getting out of jail and going to collect them? If you can look past that though, Packy, Benny and Jo-Jo are really fun, kind of goofy villains. I love all the mishaps they have trying to get the diamonds back.
This was definitely a really fun Christmas cozy mystery and I'm so glad I chose to read it this year!