A review by ye_li
Punk 57, by Penelope Douglas

Did not finish book. Stopped at 70%.
There was so much unnecessary homophobia with no relevance to the story, whatsoever. By the way, it's not directed at the main characters.
SpoilerBut, this one part where Misha's truck was vandalized with white paint. Someone had written the F slur on the front. Most of the homophobia happens towards a minor character named Manny Cortez—but the thing is, we never even find out if he's gay or not. At least, not at the point where I stopped. So, Manny gets shitty words and slurs thrown at him just to make the main characters look better. Seriously, I was so fucking pissed off.
It was so fucking uncomfortable. Additionally, I just could not stand Ryen—and, based on the author's note, she's supposed to be likable, is she not? But I just found her so fucking pathetic and annoying. Like, god, grow a fucking spine why don't you? I know most people hate Misha more, but I liked him more out of the two of them. Misha was more, I don't know, competent? He was still a prick, but at least he didn't try to cover it up, you know? God, this book just made me so god damn uncomfortable and annoyed me to no end. I'm surprised I managed to read over 200 pages of this godawful thing.

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