A review by artwinsintheend
The Spell, by Alan Hollinghurst


I was recommended Hollinghurst's The Swimming Pool Library, but it was out at the library, so I grabbed this one instead.

It's described as a comedy, but the problem is that it just isn't funny. There are a few funny moments, yes, but over-all... no. Another problem is that the characters aren't particularly likeable. I was rather fond of Alex, shy, uncomfortable and hopelessly in love, but in the end he got a bit too pathetic. You never get under the skin of the characters, you don't get any explanations for their actions. There is no plot worth mentioning, everyone has sex with everyone, and that's pretty much it. And the sex isn't even very interesting.

This could have been a good story. It starts of promising, with the four main characters in a cottage out in the country. If it had stayed that way, I think it definitely could have been an interesting chamber play, but alas it didn't.

I'll still give The Swimming Pool Library a chance, because while I didn't enjoy this particular book, I still enjoyed Hollinghurst's writing.