A review by sonireads
How a Woman Becomes a Lake by Marjorie Celona


What an appropriate title.

This book follows Jesse, a young boy from a broken home, who is physically abused by his father. He lives in fear but still can't help but instigate the violence. He has a lot of strong emotions for such a young boy, and a lot of rage in his heart. On New Years day, he is at a park waiting for his father, a woman disappears, and we spend the rest of the book finding out what happened and why it happened.

Celona writes beautifully, it's almost poetic. She makes the reader feel deeply what she is trying to express. There are a lot of spiritual undertones in this book, like what happens when somebody dies? When someone is born? What happens to the soul?

There are also a lot of dark themes, death, suicide, abuse, just to name a few. What happens when people experience these kinds of traumatic events?

I recommend this book for someone who enjoys mystery or books about life and reality that we sometimes face.

Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada and NetGalley for the eGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.