A review by piperkitty
The One That Got Away: A Novel by Charlotte Rixon


The One That Got Away
by Charlotte Rixon
Arc: NetGalley
Publisher: @Aria & Aries, Aria
Genre:#General Fiction (Adult) #Women's Fiction

Benjamin and Clara met that fateful night 20 years ago.
When I first read this blur, I thought it would be a light-hearted read. It's ultimately the opposite. This book deals with many issues. I loved the idea of a second chance romance, but there are so many heavy triggers in this book that it rubies it for me.
The story started well enough, but the middle fell flat, and I lost interest quickly. I wasn’t loving the characters of Clara or Ben and found myself not entirely caring about how the story ended between them. This book just wasn’t my cup of tea.

#TheOneThatGotAway #NetGalley